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Artist in Residence Programs

     Brian Chevalier's experience includes providing an Artist In Residence program for Upstate NY, Long Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania or New England students that is creative, innovative and always fun.


anti bullying assembly california
Brian Chevalier school assembly
Andre Chevalier school assembly California
Brian Chevalier

Creative Problem Solving 


Our creative problem solving program is a great way to help students get used to group dynamics and work with others to achieve goals. We utilize a proven template that helps students learn to employ creative problem solving skills in various environments. 
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Character education assembly

Team Building


Being a valuable member of a team is an important key to success. To help kids learn how to be a positive member of a team, Brian facilitates a workshop that focuses on team building skills. This workshop has been proven to be very successful in many environments. 

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Brian Chevalier teaching artist



Mindfulness is a practice many schools are starting to use to help students deal with stress and other challenges that confront children today. Mindfulness in schools initiatives support students by teaching them how to keep themselves centered, and become the best that they can be! Acceptance and knowing what we can and can't change is key in mental well-being. The things that cause stress, anxiety, and worry are as varied as there are individual people.

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fun interactive performance

Anti Bullying Songwriting Residency


A proactive and creative way to prevent bullying and promote civility, tolerance, and diversity. Residency listed below meets Dignity For All Students Act, Character Education Mandates (project SAVE) and is aligned with the Common Core State Standards.

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Song Writing


The beauty of a songwriting residency is that we can make it fit many goals at the same time. Besides having a strong ELA component, we can have the the subject matter of the song cover any topic your imagination can come up with from Social Studies to Science to Character Education to storytelling or even a special song about your school. More often than not we combine more than one idea. 

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Create A CD for Your School


Write character education / curriculum based songs with Brian and record your own CD for your school! 

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